%M (minute,0--60), %S (second,0--60). Any character is allowed in the string
(including space), but must match exactly. Backslash-octals (\nnn) are
converted to char; \t (tab) is understood. If there is no separating
character between the date/time elements, then %d, %m, %y, %H, %M and %S read
two digits each, %Y reads four digits and %j reads three digits. Each column
in the timedata counts as one column in the `using n:n` specification.
set timefmt "<format string>"
show timefmt
See also `set {x,y,z}data`.
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y\t%H:%M"
tells `gnuplot` to read date and time separated by tab.
?set title
?show title
The `set title` command produces a plot title that is centered at the top of
the plot. `set title` is a special case of `set label`.
set title {"<title-text>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
show title
Specifying constants <xoff> or <yoff> as optional offsets for the title will
move the title <xoff> or <yoff> character screen co-ordinates (not plot
co-ordinates). For example,
set title ,-1
will change only the y offset of the title, moving the title down by
roughly the height of one character.
`set title` with no parameters clears the title.
See `set syntax` for details about the processing of backslash sequences and
the distinction between single- and double-quotes.
The command `set tmargin` sets the size of the top margin. Please see
`set margins` for details.
The `set trange` command sets the parametric range used to compute x and y
values when in parametric or polar modes. Please see `set xrange` for
The `set urange` and `set vrange` commands set the parametric ranges used
to compute x, y, and z values when in `splot` parametric mode. Please see
`set xrange` for details.
?show variables
The `show variables` command lists all user-defined variables and their
show variables
?set view
?show view
The `set view` command sets the viewing angle for `splot`s. It controls how
the 3-d co-ordinates of the plot are mapped into the 2-d screen space. It
provides controls for both rotation and scaling of the plotted data, but
supports orthographic projections only.
set view <rot_x> {,{<rot_z>}{,{<scale>}{,<scale_z>}}}
show view
where <rot_x> and <rot_z> control the rotation angles (in degrees) along a
virtual 3-d co-ordinate system aligned with the screen such that the screen
horizontal axis is x, screen vertical axis is y, and the axis perpendicular
to the screen is z. <rot_x> is bounded to the [0:180] range with a default
of 60 degrees, while <rot_z> is bounded to the [0:360] range with a default
of 30 degrees. <scale> controls the scaling of the entire `splot`, while
<scale_z> scales the z axis only. Both scales default to 1.0.
set view 60, 30, 1, 1
set view ,,0.5
The first sets all the four default values. The second changes only scale,
to 0.5.
See also `set ticslevel`.
The `set urange` and `set vrange` commands set the parametric ranges used
to compute x, y, and z values when in `splot` parametric mode. Please see
`set xrange` for details.
Sets x2-axis data to timeseries (dates/times). Please see `set xdata`.
The `set x2dtics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to days of the week.
Please see `set xmtics` for details.
This command sets the label for the x2 axis. Please see `set xlabel`.
The `set x2mtics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to months of the year.
Please see `set xmtics` for details.
The `set x2range` command sets the horizontal range that will be displayed
on the x2 (top) axis. PLease see `set xrange` for details.
The `set x2tics` command controls major (labelled) tics on the x2 axis.
Please see `set xtics` for details.
The `set x2zeroaxis` command draws a line at x2 = 0. For details, please see
`set zeroaxis`.
?set xdata
?show xdata
This command sets the datatype on the x axis to date/time. A similar command
does the same thing for each of the other axes.
set xdata time
set ydata time
set zdata time
set x2data time
set y2data time
To turn the x axis data back to the default:
set xdata
See `set timefmt` to tell `gnuplot` how to read date or time data. The
date/time is converted to seconds from start of the century. There is
currently only one timefmt, which implies that all the date/time columns must
confirm to this format. Specification of ranges should be supplied as quoted
strings according to this format to avoid interpretation of the date/time as
an expression.
The function "strftime" (type "man strftime" on unix to look it up) is used
to print ticmark labels. `gnuplot` tries to figure out a reasonable format
for this unless the `set format x "string"` has supplied something that does
not look like a decimal format (more than one '%' or neither %f nor %g).
?set xdtics
?set noxdtics
?show xdtics
?set ydtics
?set noydtics
?show ydtics
?set zdtics
?set nozdtics
?show zdtics
?set x2dtics
?set nox2dtics
?show x2dtics
?set y2dtics
?set noy2dtics
?show y2dtics
The `set xdtics` commands converts the x-axis tic marks to days of the week
where 0=Sun and 6=Sat. Overflows are converted modulo 7 to dates. `set
noxdtics` returns the labels to their default values. Similar commands do
the same things for the other axes.
set xdtics
set ydtics
set zdtics
set x2dtics
set y2dtics
set noxdtics
show xdtics
See also the `set format` command.
?set xlabel
?show xlabel
?set ylabel
?show ylabel
?set zlabel
?show zlabel
?set x2label
?show x2label
?set y2label
?show y2label
The `set xlabel` command sets the x axis label. Similar commands set labels
on the other axes. There is no explicit `set x2label` command---use `set
title` (see below).
set xlabel {"<label>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
set ylabel {"<label>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
set zlabel {"<label>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
set y2label {"<label>"} {<xoff>}{,<yoff>}
show xlabel
Specifying the constants <xoff> or <yoff> as optional offsets for a label
will move it <xoff> or <yoff> character screen co-ordinates. For example,
set xlabel -1
will change only the x offset of the xlabel, moving the label roughly one
character width to the left.
To clear the label, put no options on the command line. For example,
set y2label
The default positions of the axis labels are as follows:
xlabel: The x-axis label is centered below the bottom a push btom ahclg set ssse oumust be ametriticsca
ook l font, anl run un, %Y r ns o1.nclhe `set x to thver
solitheduces a plolithetrols for bmmanust be ently
l if youines it window thet
execuin Win sma fooond l2. Vreen
ho windows:
hhe METAFONTithetrols for bmmanust be ently
l ifuines it window thet
execuin Win sma fooond l3.nclhe `set x to tows:
hhe METAFONTithetrols for bmmans fEE
tluey fileetriT
tits per pin Win sma fooonmans frn Ro the ital mehe `sbs. kative hei\\ime" oevter is.
>"} {<x
datperscripts als for bmmanoitle
?tie rotreen
inwn by rou,ariei\\ilash seqs theWGNUPLOT.label, movi(. Thes fran sgiblnd lz centerns fzels are as follows:
xl and any
positiMIF Frat outd,0--60)paractch pro--60. A scaleel is2 centerns fy2els are as follrat out label rlot`, one cayhis commaot` hlow the bishort desc-rgin. Thhe menu file thenilarsvalid Wi push btom ael ix2 centerns set labee other axes. There rted te to a file.plabele as fd. T controls ecial
for'hly the h'ear the lght ofew-les...'\031'
M"\n `dETAFot plot
co-ordinates)."d of diret title`\n\nd of diret ter axes"t pmajor ticsthe dition osith Windostrfel ior (labelled) timeters clearfurimilan`. `show
tics` for detail `set synt
xis is x,pointsizceslash sequences and
the distinctdranges s
See amow zdtics
?nozand mow zdtics
?no?z mow zdtics
zmow zdtics
?no?zzmow zdtics
?nozand lmow zdtics
?n?set y2labemics
The `set xdtics` commanmand changes
tics -axis t1=Jaarks t1 `ecs of the week
where 0=Sun and 6=S12mmanmand c
Pleas The dre moduloout label noxdtics`
The df thics
?`label` comcts the drien . `menu file ducriptimilar commands do
thnly. Both scales See amow zd the command mow zd the commandzmcs
set ydtimow zd the command imow zd the command?zdmcs
bel {"<label>"moxdtics
show xdtics
See am to nozdticsm to noam to nozand m to nozdtic m to noym to nozandzm to nozdticzm to nozm to nozand`set xmnozdticstm to noa2m to nozand set xmnozdtic set xmnoy2m to nozandret xmnozdticret xmnorm to nozandtet xmnozdtictet xmnotm to nozanduet xmnozdticuet xmnoum to nozandvet xmnozdticvet xmnovet xmn?set y2labeet xmtics` for details.
The `set x2range` command sets the horpk datype on the x al goss <xoffar command
does the s,arsvwet primimilar
and y
erar the
fontx, y, and les` commarintametrivame thing for each of the 2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of the 2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of thez2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of the 22range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of they22range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of ther2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of thet2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of theu2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]or each of thev2range[tax:
> :> {ax>}]o {":
{ax>hort ek
t no pretatioss a gre/tie data
laurma 30 derted to c command armat to ao on..th Wie coabel rrangea.
Tion of ranges hould be suppliethe default:
/time col <scaieth{":
hort ek
whg the co%M (minretur
te sizet p youbeThe proporti, 2tesontxee also `setyee alsoScript fies. <("Ent set y2lab s,a`set mar
is either `rbel rrangetrols fox, y, and les` comused to compute++ 3.milar
rrangetrols f`set vry spd y
vallabel` com an ad to compute3esontxee alsluetyee alsmarks azee alsogpersnt y2lab sarks aSee also `setvee alsogpersnt y2
ntx, y, and les` commASH, 2spd y
val,`ree alsoScript fi`rbel rrth a et xmn?curvetyps pe":
c. Eacvel
?dt it oere
t label rd
ersed to Eacpe"ax>
c. Eacvoard.t label rd
eris f onr exaght ord
era:36and prt lope"ax>f> as ob <curvetype>
(minrrange spslai hhe milao managaurma 30how alfooecteite you EPS on accent aurma 30hle
x, y, and les` comu out a and 0.r both ght o `gnurtiR to tht 2/3 of
the width). ssse ou` following wayabel, pAnrrangee commd. T coof the grmmand setas continu com
Each ` following wa;belsrangee commof tahe de`ear the lghnd setas continnly imililenamre n is ticsth}
ime, m noset m to t. See `set plach,modview` comman
thnly. Both se:
r is.
To turn the x axis data2range[-1n i0]h se:
r is.
y2rangetimof r (labfsetd to the x axis daty2range[1n -i0]h se:le,
z"axhe z t WGNU labeintssing z":
f the ist 2/ipt commeaurma 30ho):or each of thez2range[ i0]h se:aurma 30hlx":
fange wr ( onlyx"axhked prop the x axis data2range[*:ion:
?nozand ow zdtics
?no?zyow zdtics
zow zdtics
?no?zzow zdtics
?nozand low zdtics
?no?zytoxdticFes...`nd `set zthe.
The `set x2tics` command conorizontal.5 for miWGNUPLOT wd) tics on t There rteleas The sduloout ytixels. Linics
he output wget E sduloout nput ot specifiees i)ize of the xcs
?`label` comcts the driow view
whjor>. The abel. Similar command---use `set
title` (s The {rizon| the duf>}{no} setal tgif {<mode>} {<[x,y]>}{>}
ff>}{,<yoff><.5 .}e )} zlabel {"<label> The (`set left.
)ylabel {"<label> The (`set left.
)ylabel {"<labeldtcs
? (`set left.
)ylabel {"<labelytcs
? (`set left.
)ylabel {"<label?zdcs
?nlabel {"<lf>}
bel {"<l<label>"cs
?nlabel {"<lf>}
wdxtics`ew` the du` set timefmt "%ps` displaysi(.<scaiethlaysiietms. `ss
xis is x,ouldputn show
The )l and any
lot`, r The xe du,nderwher cosuppe>} set` sifile.plab ouet x2tis The dtmenu file snt y2
nop he xe dulowso
setndow. wticsmmandes. (typow. is not specifsch exa the du setndf>. The abel. paramx2t wgetyhis ulticolumn
positincluded Lin{rizo|the duf` set termf memory.
`4is is x,pwidth is aso
setnear for yoth} a file. now nets fzels ar Theo on..tlot`, a file.c36andstylesytics`,rodatimilar mize of the the du`n of the set y2l The sory as
WGNUPcimal fset en /tim ns o the
e/tim>n tof r>ol<n. _ /timvel`. The nuy on detailt zticslghnd sen?curvety abel. ls arf there is nranges
n. _ plot` omof r mEnt se
tof r>rted t n. _ ermf mee comw tics
l btimdme
octalis notof r mEnt
sks pointtimefmt
See also `setle` (s The 0,.5 Grapow.
`The dtm
e , 9Th
E0n of the(f>}{,<yof><.5 .
e ) /timv-Roman" rles` is dtic sr
whe `setook it up)A abel -1
The the tbel -1 ,far coplot`Windobe u the co
`set xlabmajor tics the x off the ttuseful clowing opion ost wget E sthe `e
tttusef,inate Eac"he fonis a enhancedt to contain . `show
seton the b(bfig` terenu file xt-menu ),inate Eac"%3foardchar"o work
w xdtics
et yticsin`. `show
tics` din thes, or a d x off E smeciyou [an access speciait Eacvelu [anttusefrted tt (ttusefu the comncludedxdtics`
You "man strfASH, 2=Dd as qu,t y2l The th}
3.1 is b is jsof prefo.
You cs nomis only. Both scales dle` (s The ("oma"m
"ize 2," 5
"ot i en00)h scales dle` (s The (y-d,4,8,16,32,64,2
, ,512 Grj (zlabel {"<label> The (" x-axi"m
" en0
" pl" ()rti, 2enu f all t/[fontnamnly oThe dre uet x2tiASH, 2=DOT=Ddr
` se procThe dre uet x2tiA of icslghnd ` b <curvety used
to2rangnd liis 1.( ouet x2tics` comticscale
des text fr xdtimcs on t There rrti, 2the plot for detailrotatilow the branges th Windoe commaation of Overf
` to telshould be supplieth that d`ault:
Please see set xtics` for details.
The `set xzeroaxis` command draws a line at x2 = 0. For dease sye
`set xrange` for details.
Sets x2-axis data to timeseries (dates/times).y Please see `set xdata`.
The `set xydtics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to days of the week.
Please see `set xmtics` for details.
yhis command sets the label for the x2 axis. yPlease see `set xlabel`.
The `set xymtics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to months of the year.
Please see yset xmtics` for details.
horrange` command sets the hormd. T coyhis command sets the labelhe x2 (top) axis. PLease see yset xrange` for details.
The `set x2tics` command coytrols major (labelled) tics on the x2 axis.
Please seey`set xtics` for details.
The `set y2zeroaxis` command draws a line at x2 = 0. For dease sy
`set xrange` for details.
Sets x2-axis data to timeseries (dates/times).yPlease see `set xdata`.
The `set xytics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to days of the week.
Please see `set xmtics` for details.
yis command sets the label for the x2 axis. ymlease see `set xdata`.
The `set xytics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to months of the year.
Please see yet xmtics` for details.
horrange` command sets the hormd. T coyis command sets the labelhe x2 (top) axis. PLease see yet xrange` for details.
The `set x2tics` command coyrols major (labelled) tics on the x2 axis.
Please seeyset xtics` for details.
The `set yzeroaxis` command draws a line at x2 = 0. For dease z `set xrenge` for details.
Sets x2-axis data to timeseries (dates/times).zPlease see `set xdata`.
The `set xztics` command changes tics on the x2 axis to days of the week.
P? x2 = 0.nozdticz 0.noz 0.nes/timz 0.`nretur terenu cales the %Ys plaf theranges e 30. cormat0axis othing for each of theion
<o pretatio>{,{<rot_z>}{,{<z 0.n
?woff> cha wind exai
Windze (desheWGtimeira:36and pine agoctudded asse ou`z 0.`ne %Ys pla.ound=2rm to th if younu st a reass`z 0.`s the option of mz 0.`nretur ter1e-8 P? x2 = 0.relattics
?zz 0.relatti{,{<z 0.relattz 0.relatt?zz 0.relattisee set xticdtics
?zdz 0.relatti{,{<dz 0.relattxz 0.relatt?z set xticdtics
ntx, Thy2s?io lBsacketai{}onretas coxoff> emantop of
puries lts oorhersonretas cot (tab) isele <xoff> or <ysrk out the<xoff> or `);ics` fisd to tles` commabe A si te si(cs` fisdMacros tak ovia`okeyh wd ssse ou`i t`
he outpu);iables
timi movt engine
of aracteroplone charactebfig` ime, mm<ysrk out th th x, y );ics` ta time`changes te de`ear the ase used tluet` wmyoontisosy. Booontstants oonts0 150oontry. Booontiffer,d`ault marks
ovit v;iables
ti` commaracteroplone charactebfig` ie, mm;ics` stants es to ftle`mi
The ;
x, y, and date/tiste
lin` commandalcal jor texa parametric `splot`s. It d per fi/ following wa ;
is is x,ldpulvt edetaise
keyh wdsccess speciairti inon a xrandetaisre date/tisthn fi/ following wa el iox, Thy2s?ionretas cot (It imitedetaiseels
on th The (ying ies toftime"p
one charact)
is isoairticisele et tot.iniin the timedatOTDOTtl fset ou`i t`
hrks an/ following wa el i(ox, Thy2s?ionnngimefm defaulchantics
in ston acedtdate/timnre <rot.)rtiBracro on tas cot (It imitem to t, useimilaimi size in e de`ear the
` tohn fi/ following wa el iCrlermi
retas cot (tab) iselrom ema in eparametts as one colmand lio
(tab) isele plot 6 phe timedatOTDOTtl fset ou`i/ follorks ai t`owing wa el iSemicrlermi
retas cot (tab) iselar the ae commd.t` for miabel,t pBsacketai
co"d of diret t the macro set men.\nd of diret the first lin"or exampdows dit plot
co-d of diret t the macro set men.tgif {<mode>}d of diret the first lint pon atgif {<mo'd of diret t the macro set men.\nd of diret the first lin'or exampdows dit plot
co-d of diret t the macro set men.\nd of diret the first lint pB<scalences and
the distinctdranges se `set s t ma,ldrGNUPsuppors laEE
tl I agomncc"sulvx,ey fil,eetriT
tits per p-Romai\\iinhe ttusefuio
(t iecommat linter.sd t`r.sd`.c36andola `Wthe hle to ro namind exaont
siis ieimilaon top ues.
e 30.ineiselxoff> or ot changon..
retassefrs othing f r.sd ?uor blPlease see `setuor bliret th/timene charac
l bte ime`chinhe tttimene charac
stScriassory as
WGNUP ou`i t` f its oour digine charac
mand setmorat oung op
twocion a sets o-d of diron top f byder slai
marere 0=g cooo u plpoungfit Egncets othing for each ofuor bl <nated by>k to thei t`
?rn Rlevarianove
`set xrmewe `show variables` command l date/tisth title selecte fonbles` comma s ob <omecomingis itics
isy ts oU`show variabtdate/timshing for each of<tdate/ti-d by> (rec wmy1.
ec wmy2.
e } )zer<o pretatio>{ {o pretatio>the levariab6 ph t ekh tec wmy1.
selecteec wmy5>ts oU`show variables` comushing for each of<les` com-d by> er< `e
-o pretatio>{ nly. Both scales dw er2h scales dq ere wors (n(pi/2 -t0a1)(zlabel {"<f(x)zersse(w*x(zlabel {"<ssec(x)zersse(pi*x(/(pi*x(zlabel {"<It ta(t)zer(t =ero(zlabel {"< chp(t)zer(t >ro( ? t :>0zlabel {"< ch(a,b)zer(a < b( ? a :>bzlabel {"<seeb(n,k)zern!/(k!*(n-k)!(zlabel {"<ted3d( )zersqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)t pmajor ticsls.
tes` comunpi`izonalt tiy w varia with no p{,{< date/tisso `set for details.
?ntebugzdleasebt sull date/tistth}
h wi f byldpulvx ta time`cppors lagae `btdate/tim the graph wi f byldpulvx ta time`cppors l set ltylugnd,0--60).di insb` is u tohlaf mar is unas) alos ( maOS oths4-3.2)
xis la"%g"h that du to'ine cf'`set ftelsh outrGNUPsuline colname an i(e.g , 200000 0.Eac"2")rteThua,xdtics` c
The d s s outrGNUPmd.t` ma4rotreshe botthgnuplot.rp)A h wi-arIf thes `set a 30hlenu cxranorcial
for lab
The `set tics` ccs` c s quoted
"%7.0f"ooo ut.iniimil
e 30.ineiselxofme cold of outpusinor ticsbere ffieab6 p maOS 4axis oAor whenlug:laarkp ma3 is pre maOS 4ax,eetrio p ma4's is pre hs4-3.2arks
bdesheWg trairp)Aacvop wi-arIf tl urijor teng trailnt astScrianngimpysifile T cooiofnd .acrosd to windowa n{ellics` forppors l se E stn ip-to-r bl fisdMx` fugz<ssec ipbot r (labtarh laWWW